Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another day, another page

I've been very slowly (very very very slowly) working on my next novel-length story. I'm trying something different this time, in both genre and in my approach to the actual writing.

Approach-wise, I'm trying to do more up-front planning, including a plot synopsis, somewhat detailed character sketches (that can change, of course, if the story requires). I usually don't plan these things out and just use the BIC approach (but-in-chair), but that hasn't been working at all for this project -- this approach makes me what some call a "pantser" (due to writing by the seat of one's pants). It feels that I need to have some structure in place to cajole the characters into starting along with their plots and motives.

Genre-wise, it's more of a science-fiction work than I usually do (I usually write some sort of fantasy, most often ye olde "high fantasy"). This one has a more dystopian setup, with evil/ruthless drug companies, disaffected youth, etc. It's a stretch for me, but I like the idea too much to just disregard it.

Anyway, I'm about 9 pages in on the rough draft, and I like what I've written so far, which is also a first because I usually don't like what's on the page until somewhere in the mid-20s.

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